08 Feb Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?

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social media strategy

Too many entrepreneurs are ineffective in their social media strategy, simply because they have not taken the time to develop one. Instead they rush in and jump on the latest platform without thinking about how this contributes to their overall marketing plan. Some of the problems I see with business owners who follow this method include the following: 

  • People using facebook personal profiles as their business website
  • People setting up profiles on platforms like twitter, pinterest, facebook but not posting any relevant content
  • People with sketchy or intermittent content publishing schedules
  • Entrepreneurs not integrating their offline marketing activities with their online marketing efforts
  • Absence of an overall strategic plan or process for their social media strategy 
  • [video:http://youtu.be/KmOVLxm18Js 320x240]If you recognize yourself in the above errors, you are not alone. According to a recent report more than 72% of business owners lack a social media strategy. The problem with this type of random, haphazard and misinformed social media approach is that many small business owners, entrepreneurs, and organizations are missing out on the enormous benefits that could be available by effectively reaching their target audience through social media. 

    You can stop being a victim. One of the things students in a class I conducted enjoyed  was the ability to gain a new appreciation for the power of social media. And they were able to immediately implement many of the strategies and tactics they learned during a class I conducted for a local Chamber of Commerce. But what if you're not a chamber member? Perhaps you own a beauty salon, a barbershop or work from your home and cannot network as you would like. 

    Many entrepreneurs don't have time to attend a class at a community college. They can't afford babysitters or to leave the house. How can you get access to information that could dramatically improve your chances of success? Are you tired yet of falling further behind on the social media express train? 

    Then there's some goods news. I'm now offering my highly popular social media marketing class online for a limited number of students. And since the classes are live webinars you won't even need to pay for hotel parking. You can fully participate in class from the comfort of your computer or tablet device while sitting at your home or office. The classes are filling up fast, but you can find out more about available dates and times via this link http://www.normbondmarkets.com/classes/

    It's time to make your move.

    Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55