15 Oct Are You Sure Your Hair Loss Is Inherited?

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Did you know that many women thought to suffer from heredity hair loss are actually suffering from inheriting bad habits and damaging practices? Habits, good and bad, are passed on from generation to generation the same way traditions are. Many years ago hair pomades and hair grease was introduced to our grandparents as the best thing since sliced bread; we also fell in love with the bone straight look relaxers offered us. In gravitating towards these "solutions" to our hair "problems", we forgot to do the research on the ingredients found in them.

Many ingredients in our hair products such as sodium lauryl/laureth sulfates (shampoos), paraffin, petrolatum, triethanolamine (TEA), mineral oil or propylene glycol are extremely toxic and can cause side-effects as minor as itching to excessive dandruff, stunted hair growth, dry hair, excessive hair loss/shedding, temporary to permanent damage to the follicles, scalp lesions, and more. Relaxers contain dozens of ingredients that should not even touch the skin at all, which is why we are instructed to wear gloves when applying. The degree of damage depends on your sensitivity to the ingredients, how often you are applying them, and how long you have been using them. Some people will notice immediate and severe effects and others will not notice anything for years, but because these ingredients are toxic and not made to be used on our body and in our hair, most of us will have some adverse effect one time or another during our life time.

Now, here's where the genetics comes in. If my mother is allergic or has a high sensitivity to these ingredients, chances are I may be too. If she keeps using them, but doesn't realize the breakage, shedding, and thinning hair is the side-effect of the ingredients, she will likely use them on me and of course, I will use them on my daughter as well. As we age, each of us will likely all have thinning hair and chalk it up as bad genetics. If I am allergic to peanuts, but I insist on eating them, chances are I am going to suffer from awful side-effects; and if the allergy is severe enough, I may die, just like your follicles! If you take this same family and void their hair diet of these ingredients and replace it with nourishing, healthy vitamins and minerals, chances are their hair will thrive.

Sweet Nature by Eddie  hair care products are formulated with natural ingredients that are packed with healthy vitamins, minerals and herbs that have been proven to treat alopecia, psoriasis, acute dermatitis, and dandruff, as well as block DHT, nourish the scalp, combat hair loss and stimulate the follicles for longer, stronger, healthier hair growth.  Sweet Nature even has a line of GROWTH AIDES  that will provide the follicles with a SUPER diet!

This philosophy also works with eczema, psoriasis, acute dermatitis, and severe dandruff, as all of these can be linked to reactions to toxic ingredients.

Now, there are definitely some legitimate genetic and internal causes of each of these disorders, but don't just assume that you have to suffer from them just because your mother did, do some research.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55