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Due to the ongoing legislation vote & debate on gay (same sex) marriage in Illinois and other states, there is a big focus on this issue amongst many Americans centered on equal rights in their commnunion. There is so much attention in the media about this issue that it is oveershadowing more pertinent issues that governs our every day lives, and it's also at the forefront of many conversations.

Personally, I am not a gay person nor do I promote the Gay Lifestyle; however I do support the right for a person whom is gay to live his or her lifestyle freely without public redicule or discrimination. When it comes to the same sex marriage issue regarding the same legal rights to marriage as heterosexual couples, I am totally in support of this legislation as they are U.S. Citizens. After all, we are talking about HUMAN RIGHTS - a subject matter that any African American can relate to.

Let me break down the facts surrounding this issue that led to my decision.    After watching the most recent voting sessions and debates in Springfield Illinois on the same sex marriage legislation in which the house took a break for the recent holiday, I came to the realization that this attention may be relevant for the historical significance, however, this high focus and coverage on this issue should be far down the list of priorities as we have many more important issues that plagues every man woman and child in this nation and the world.

 Yesterday, I had to ask myself these questions in relation to this issue...

Do gay couples that decide to get married have an effect on my life?  My answer is... NO!                                                                                                            

Will married same sex couples with the same legal rights as heterolsexual couples have an effect on my life?    My answer again is... NO!  Then I asked myself even more specific questions.  

Will married same sex couples change my Voting Rights or any of my Civil Liberties or Rights?                                                                                                              

Will married same sex couples keep me from getting hired for any job?            

Will married same sex couples keep me from attending functions or outdoor festivals?                                                                                                                             

Will married same sex couples cause businessess to close or effect public transportation?

And last but not least, will passing the legislation for same sex marriage raise the prices in stores, services or keep me from supporting my people especially when it comes to patronizing Black Owned Businesses?

The answer to all these questions is... DEFINITELY NO!

Before people spend so much time blasting people for living and desiring to improve the quality of their lifestyle based on what gender they choose go to bed with, they should ask themselves these questions.                                                         

It's a known fact that passing this legislature will not alter our daily lives in any way, shape or form. If gay people have the right to vote, they should have the right to live their lives the way they please as long as it does not interfere with the quality of my-nor anyones life. If a gay couple (married or single) decides to eat POOP and DIE, I could care less! If married gay couples decide to divorce and benefit from the same legal statures that heterosexual couples abide by, WHO CARES! None of these circumstances has ANYTHING  to do with me! I do belevie that everyone has a right to their opinion, however, too many people are so focused and bent out of shape about this issue and the religous aspects that they are distracted from the KEY ISSUES thats efffecting theirs and everyones lives in this country, and they don't act on it! Why are so many people so concerned about this issue when gay people represent only 10% of the worlds population- according to the recent world census? Because it's MEDIA DRIVEN! This is also why so many people are more concerned and or focused on following the lives of celebrities (which basically don't give a damn about the people lives that are watching) and average people on these so called stupid and deplorable reality and entertainment shows instead of focusing on improving their own lives and community. Based on these census reports, the LGBT commnuity is not event close to the majority but more so in the minority, so its not like they're in everyones face constantly in their day to day lives.

Lets look at the Universal Health Care legislate (OBAMA CARE as the republicans call it). Now this is an issue that everyone - especially business owners should have RAISED MIGHTY HELL on! The Universal Health Care legislate passed is a mandate that forces every living person in the country (despite not wanting or needing to do so) to purchase or have health insurnace by the year 2014 or face penalties for failing to do so which also includes businesses. So keep in mind that you are now forced to make a purchase against your own free will. If you do the research, you'll find that there is no such thing as FREE health care in the U.S. period! THEY MINCE WORDS WITH YOU! Many small businesses can't afford the rates elevated by the insurance companies to purchase this new Universal Health Care for their employees, so many businesses has or will either be forced to go up on thier prices, limit the number of employees they hire or close their doors completely. This so called economic stabilizer (a clever smoke screen) still stifles and effects our economy negatively. Many individuals and households will still be in dire need of a job and forced to pay inflated prices for leterally everything while our wallets and purses will be depleted by this legislate alone. So don't be fooled by the notion of not paying for healthcare. If you dont have a job, the insurance fees will come out of either your taxes, or through your government assistance and cutting programs... etc. So youre still paying for it wehter you realize it or not! Do you really think these BILLION DOLLAR INSURANCE COMPANIES will absord the cost of health care for millions of people besides the government absorbing those enormous emergency room/hospital fees? HELL NO! The Universal Health Care system mostly  benefits the insurance companies becasue the corporate bailouts did not include these companies with the exception of the biggest and most connected one with the Federal Reserve; AIG!

And how about the illegal imigrats? Don't be fooled by the attempts to stop illegal immigrants in this country. Illegal immigration is BY DESIGN and BIG BUSINESS! They only want you to focus on Mexicans coming over the border but what about the other races that's been invading this nation since the late 80's? Rememer that small & mid-level businesses are the main force of the National (White) economy that employs more people than corporate America. Illiegal immigration is one of the main fuels of the White economic becasue these small to midsize businesses are hiring these illegals at $4 to 5.75 p/hr when they could be hiring U.S. citizens starting at 8.75 p/hr. This strategy alone is saving a minimum of 3.5 billion dollars a year in America. This alone is keeping millions of Americns out of a JOB, especially Black People!                                                     

As for those playing the religion card, in the most popular religions, gays are very prevelant despite the beleifs or scriptures, so that's not keeping them from being excluded form congregations or ministries and neither gay nor straight people don't have to be married under any religion since they can simply go to a city hall to be legally married. In short, the overall Christian based religions is now catering to or accepting the gay lifestyle.

How about when President Obam lied to the American public when he stated he would not mess with Social Security, but he signed a bill that would eventually end Social Security wihtin the next 20 years! Yet I dont hear anyone jumping up and down about that very crucial issue to make him accountable! It's all about how gay couples don't have the right to be married? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

These among other much more important issues is what people and the media should be up in arms about and fighting every day, yet many choose to care more about and or fight about a segment of our society's life style that has nothing to do with their every day lives. And the sad part about this is that the powers that be keeps this issue in our faces using the media to to keep us distracted, fighting and separated while they continue to screw us and manipulate our lives with all the issues I mentioned along with implementing and increasing Taxes, Gentrification, Racial Profiling and Incarceration, taking away programs and public schools while  eradicating our civil liberties ( viloating the constitution) more and more each year, and people are stupid enough to go along with it!

I for one whish they would quickly pass this legislate so the public can move on to focus on the more important issues that govern our lives. The same sex mariage issue is a politically based and infused media driven circus! Even politicians whom does not personally favor the gay lifestyle has been swayed to support same sex marriage for their political enhancements. Gay people have the same voting rights as any other U.S. citizen and they have already voted in many gay elected officials- some even in congress. This means the LGBT community have a strong voting presence as do Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners... etc. So let's keep it real about this legislation. This law (same sex marriage) will eventually be passed in Illinois and in all the remaining States in the U.S. regardless of how individuals feel about gay people. Gay people have been here since the dark ages and will be here after myself or anyone in living today are gone making significant contributions to this society, so those whom are so focused on this issue and has a so called war on gay people, LET THEM BE and GET A LIFE! They are not bothering you, me or any heterosexual person on the planet. They deserve the same rights as any voting citizen as long as their actions does not interfere with our civil liberties and daily lives as a whole. Your governemnt is what you should really be worried about, and focus on coming together to stop its tyranny.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55