22 Feb What Matters Most - Book Review

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I reviewed this book while being the Baptist Editor/Host more than 8 years ago.

The unnamed woman in Song of Solomon is every woman who prays to God for a soul-satisfying life, only to turn around and find God forcing her into situations where she must come to grips with her role in making her prayers a reality.

Twice in Song of Solomon 6:13 she is referred to "the Shulammite," which probably tells us more about the village in which she was born.

It takes a bold, free spirited woman to strike out on her own journey to discover what's important to her.

Love poetry was prominent throughout the ancient Near East.

The one thing you learn is that with the journey come lessons, things to be learned.

Why not follow the Church's lead and read the book's contents as a spiritual allegory where the dark headstrong woman and shepherd lover transform into Israel and God, of the Church and Christ.

Reflection on the self: Take the time right now to describe in your own words who you are. How would you describe yourself?

She is by her own admission a woman of dark complexion. The hot Mediterranean Sun has seen to it that those born beneath her rays are typically olive to dark brown in complexion.

Thinking women of faith have been grappling for centuries for ways to talk about the unfair way women and girls are treated in society, and we've been hard-pressed to come up with a term that describes the wide spread assumptions we encounter in our society about a woman's place and women roles.

Name some people that God has placed in your life who are your greatest cheerleaders and others who are your most ardent critics.

Dr. Weems chose to give up a career as a stock broker 25 years ago to pursue writing. She enrolled in a Ph D program after finishing seminary.

Be grateful for your friends.

Surrounding yourself with people, a community, a village whose love nourishes and supports you is essential.

Be grateful that God is loving and committed enough to our becoming to knock repeatedly until we're ready to open.

I review books for publishing companies, publicists, authors, businesses, and ministries.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55