15 Feb 101 Tips for Graduates .. Book Review

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101 Tips for Graduates: A Code of Conduct For Success & Happiness in Your Professional Life

Be Yourself – Lead By Example by Angela Watkins


I am sharing some tips from a book I reviewed in 2005.


Natural leaders earn a respect as a result of what they do, not because of who they are.


Think about the leaders who have a positive influence in your life. Is there a special teacher, family member, friend,or other role model who’s helped guide you? Think about the people you respect, those you turn to for advice.


Be sure you don’t overlook the leaders in your life – the people who’ve taken time to talk with you and help you.


Some people create and inspire change in others. They don’t consider themselves to be great leaders and may not even realize they are making a difference. They simply lead by being who they are.


You guide and influence people every day whether you do it intentionally or not.
Your words have more impact than you think – think about the things you say.


Strive to be your best and bring out the best in others.


On a plane ride from Atlanta, the author was thinking about all the work she had left to do before she could get her business up and running. After spending several days with Susan Bixler, a successful and respected image consultant in Atlanta, she had earned her certificate as a corporate image consultant.


The author met with Gail, a friend of hers who is a psychologoist, a few weeks later. She told her about some of her concerns and asked her to work with her on a few projects.


Gail told the author you’ve got everything you need to succeed. People might have awards and degrees decorating their walls, but many of them hide behind their credentials. They need to hear what you have to say.


The author said her friend reminded her to be herself.


Be yourself. There is nothing more attractive than genuineness and authenticity. ___ Maggie Mortenson


The author interviews have been show cased on countless radio and TV programs and in major publications, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fox News and CNN.


The author, Susan Morem – 101 Tips for Graduates.


I review free books:  review from publishing companies, publicists, authors, businesses, and ministries.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55