13 Feb Learn to Love YOUR Hair

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I remember my very first hair care workshop in April of 2008. This was also Sweet Nature's official local introduction. People that hadn't seen me in a while didn't know I had gone natural and I literally could NOT keep their hands out of my hair! I even had people argue with me about it being my real hair...lol. I think the most memorable comment made was by my older cousin. At the end of the workshop, I held a Q&A. She raised her hand, and in a very serious voice, she said, "I've known you my entire life and when you were little, you had the nappiest hair I had ever seen...How in the world did you get your hair to feel like that". The entire room busted into laughter! That was the ultimate testimony of what GOOD hair care products can do for your hair.

LOVING YOUR NATURAL HAIR: Since that workshop, I've conducted many more as well as hundreds of consultations and one of the most common things I hear from women contemplating going natural is, "I have some nappy hair, I could never go without a perm". I sympathize with them; I could relate to their concerns, as I had the same thoughts 10-12 years ago! But, when you really sit and think about it; being afraid of your hair is the same as being afraid of your skin or a limb. 

Yes, for many of us, natural hair is more difficult to manage; it may take more time to style, but it's the hair you were given; a natural part of YOU, you just need to learn to care for it; learn which techniques and products to use to make it easier; understand that certain ingredients and chemicals will make your hair dry and hard, giving you a false sense of your actual texture. Some ingredients can make the hair frizzy or crunchy making styling more challenging. Finding the key ingredients that will make the hair soft, touchable, manageable and lovable is the challenge, which my products have conquered! They are 20% MORE affordable through FEB 16th too. Use Code "Birthday" at checkout!

There's also the emotional and psychological issue I refer to as "fro fear". In other words, worrying what others will think, the feeling of not fitting in, or sticking out; the idea of natural not being professional, or acceptable. The good thing is; it's much more acceptable than it was 10 years ago when I started my transition! Natural hair is embraced more and more each day by admirers. There are countless images of natural headed women with all sorts of hair textures, lengths, and styles! There are many blogs, stories, websites, and groups made specifically to encourage and educate natural headed women. If going natural is an emotional or psychological issue, just start by Googling natural hair, I guarantee you will get inspired to embrace the NATURAL YOU!

LOVING YOUR RELAXED HAIR For some women, there is no amount of encouragement or inspiration in the world that would make them go natural and that's okay! But, relaxed hair isn't always the easiest hair to love either. Relaxed hair tends to be dry; and can break easily, especially if it isn't taken good care of. For many people, relaxers cause thinning to the hair, make the hair look limp and lifeless. Many women who have a relaxer may opt to add weave for a fuller, healthier look.

Because of the damage relaxers may cause, it's super important to use healthy products; products that will heal and nourish the scalp and strengthen and hydrate the hair! Natural ingredients are always best because they can combat the potential damage. Minimizing heat, decreasing the number of relaxers you apply per year, applying strictly to new growth, and applying the relaxer for the minimum amount of time allowed is also a great way to keep relaxed hair healthy, and in turn LOVING IT!

For more tips on how to care for your hair; regardless if it's relaxed or natural; pick up my hair care guide TODAY!



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55