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25 Jan Moorish American Technology and Hydroponics

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Moorish American Technology and Hydroponics
Self sustaining life systems in Moorish Communities
Wednesday night January 23rd 2013 at 7:00 pm est
On Moorish Talk Live 100 at Blog Talk Radio
With special guest Sundiata Ameh El
Call in with questions and comments #310-982-4184
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
What is the mechanics behind this type of technology?
What makes it self sustaining?
How doe's this type of system work?
What about City utilities?
How doe's plant and animal work together in this system?
How does the community benefit from such technology?
How will this type of technology be marketed?
How will such systems save the Moors in the U.S.?
These questions and more answered tonight
To access the most complete Archive (library) in America
Go to http// Once you access the tools of production contact Tarhaka directly #904-303-9061 before 7:00 pm est for support and instruction.
For those of you who like to work from home click here and read the writing in red and click on link[video: 320x240]

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55