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25 Jan The Magic of your own Circle.

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Every body on this planet has a circle
Your circle must be guarded at all times
One of the most cold blooded attitudes 
On this planet is as follow's
People are interested in you only to the extent
Of what you can do to help them ,overlooking
The fact that you are interested in them only to the
Extent of what they can do to help you!.
The best attitude is to provide service for them
In exchange for their support of your service.
Once you allow someone into your circle threw
Close and personal association they will always
Bring all that comes with them into your circle.
If a man or woman befriends you and you respond
With friendship and invite them into your life
You have just allowed someone to occupy a room
In your circle if they have problems in their life,
They are now a part of your life.
And you will find it very difficult to remove them
From the room you provided.
Personally speaking there are many people looking,
For help in America.
Like carol in Memphis who needed help with her,
Mortgage company attempting to foreclose, she was 
Directed to access my archives
With the tools located there and the use of those tools.
She later announced to me she was able to save her home.
Abdule and his wife accessed the same archives from Chicago
And was able to sue the city for human rights violations.
And they won the suit.
James from Dallas Texas was able to win in court against Police.
And followed up with a law suit. He no longer use a drivers
Jackie, Calvin, and brother El have all told me they feel they
Have the equivalent of a masters degree in knowledge
And we all know that knowledge is power!
The above mentioned people are all in my circle as guest.
We exchanged good will and service, the result was success.
For us all. To access the most comprehensive Archives in
America go to
And I personally welcome you to my circle by calling
Me #904-303-9061 before 7:00 pm est.
Also you can catch my broadcast here



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55