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25 Jan Who is responsible for the wealth

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Why is it that people labeled Negro, Colored and Black
A Nationless people?
Who have been in this country and on this land long before
Anyone else came to these shores.
Who comprise a large segment of the Nations population.
But control nothing and own nothing of real value
Economically inside the United States.
Provide the means of lively hood for every one but themselves.
What could possibly be the problem?
Why don't they at least own and control their own schools?
Why are there no Communities they own and control?
How is it possible for people from any where else on 
Earth that are not negro, colored, black, afro American
And African American ,come to this country and
Open businesses in the so called Black Neighbor hood
And make money, but not the man or woman who was here 
When you plant a seed into the ground and nurture it then it
Will grow.
And after it is grown it is a beautiful and beneficial plant.
However if you pull the plant up from its roots and detach
It from it's roots and replant it, you will find it dieing even though
You fertilize, nurture, water or give it sun it will still die.
Because it is cut off and detached from its origin it's beginning
It's roots.
Who are a nationless people within a nation searching for a 
Nationality or origin or root.
Now what is the solution to this problem.?
There is an old saying that went threw out the ancient land 
Kemet to day called ( Egypt) which is no such place.
All Nationalities of people are connected to their land
And culture except Negros, Black's and Coloreds.
There is no Negro, Black or Colored land or culture any place
On earth.
All Continents begin AND END with the alphabet (A)
So where does Europe come from?
That's simple someone named it that.
How could there be a continent called Atlantis it doe's not end
With the alphabet (A) .What about the continent called Lamuria
That went beneath the pacific ocean?
That's simple some one called it that.
How could there be a NEGRO, COLORED, OR BLACK
That's simple someone called them that.
To undo the damage you must have power. Go to,


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55