06 Jul LIFE, LOVE and MUSIQUE. Just another Fashion Designer

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Until I get the hang of blog conversion IZania you get what my website blog gets.


I was asked several times to get myself a blog.  Well, this is about as personal as I will get, “Take Me As I am”.

Thank you  Mary for listening to G-d. This Jersey Gurl appreciates your gift.

Okay to start. I would like to congratulate my two Boys to Men! They just received an award and money last night for their outstanding scores on the Elementary A.I.M.S. testing. Good Job!

Some of you know that in March I was recently invited with an application to showcase at Phoenix Fashion Week 2012. Being as impoverish as Iam, a single mother raising four wonderful intelligent scholars.  I accepted their invitation,  filled out the application, sent a garment and was ready to commit to all the fees they were going to charge which would of totaled about $5,000.

Well, this evening I got the you made it or didn’t make it  “Final Selection Call”. I was not picked for this years showcase due to not having color on the line sheets and line sketches  in my press kit. “Oh well, this is good”. That’s exactly what I said to Brian Hill.  I thank the Phoenix Fashion Week team for complimenting me on how well my sewing feat is, they admired that garment enough so to put me in as one of the finalist after their 7 city tour.

No worries here. This is my life and I am loving it my way. And BTW, Line sheets are not colored.

“And the beat goes on”. The Whispers

Peace Y.A.W.L.   you all with love  




Well, as the infamous Kevin Hart put it. “It’s about to go down!” As I walk this path alone, I have been blessed to be working with another beautiful and talented artist. I got 2 months to go before the 30 minute show of my 2013 spring collection at Wild Horse Pass Resort Casino. The color scheme is not your traditional springy look but ladies you will have a great selection of evening and business leisure to order. I am calling my own shots here, and in my eyes there is only one rule in fashion, No Infringements.  Tonight and next Friday is our model call, many say less is more but when you are on your own the Creator has the final word.

Don’t sleep y.a.w.l.

Peace, JSS

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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