Torin Ellis
In business we (all) are part of a team. Education is business. Government is business. Non profit initiatives are business. Franchising is business. And in business, the difference in a team’s performance, high performing and reaching extraordinary success lies in establishing mission-oriented goals and concentrated action towards those goals. Reaching a consensus can be exhausting yet mandatory. With execution at the core, let’s quickly cover three steps to becoming part of a better team.
1. Develop several reference points that indicate solid execution. Che Brown calls this your baseline or where you are right now. As part of a team, the reference points reflect the minimums required by everyone. No exceptions as 8am means 8am.
2. Maintain unification and a continuous degree of competence. The moment a teammate strays, does not know about or how to in a situation, coaching, training or both should be scheduled. Does not need to be formal a quick one on one will do.
3. Internal recognition is required - securing external recognition is fun. Expose your team to the community, spearhead an event, do something that gains the public eye. Do something other than sponsoring another Happy Hour.
Not so daunting when kept simple. No worry, next week I’ll discuss a formula for exceptional coaching as we celebrate the one year anniversary of the Monday Mover. By the way, I don’t know Judi Alexander anymore than you do yet she was kind enough to forward the Monday Mover to 60 people! This movement is about sharing thoughts that spawn an attitude anemic to failure. Thanks Judi for engaging others in a sense of purpose. It’s Monday - let’s keep it moving.
- Torin Ellis is the founder of Monday Mover and Second Motive.
Both organizations focus on the aggressive growth of professionals that
want to be more, do more and give more. With an unshakeable focus on
the elevation of who we are, Torin delivers thought provoking
motivation via the Monday Mover newsletter and Monday Mover Radio. His
staffing company delivers high paying employment ripe with promise with
a focus on Sales and Sales Management. Do the right thing...sign up for
the newsletter at mondaymover.com and encourage another to do the same.