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17 Feb Become an SEO Expert with 50 simple tips!

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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a tool that optimizes a website to make it visible in the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. The purpose of such tool is to achieve the top position in the search engines and be able to reach out to more and more audiences. SEO is not an easy task; there are several different ways in how to get the most out of it.

If you are in the Internet Marketing industry you probably know that you need traffic to your site. In order to make money you need to sell and to sell you need to bring people to your site. The more people you bring and the more people you put through the funnel system the more money you make. This is a simple concept. If you want to know how the funnel system works then go to and put your name and email and it will take you to a page where it will show you how the funnel works.

Anyway, in order to get traffic you can have different mediums of marketing your site like article writing, video marketing, social media marketing, forum marketing, banner ads etc etc. But the long lasting and ever lasting way to get genuine traffic to your site is by SEO. I recommend for SEO as they do my SEO also. They are based in Canada. Just mention my name when you contact them.

50 SEO Tips

Following are 50 simple tips on SEO. These tips are simple, no doubt; but much more effective in making you an SEO expert:

1.     Using Java Script drop down menus, image maps or image links? Make sure to put text links somewhere on the page for the spiders to follow.

2.     Good, well-written and unique content that focuses your primary keyword or keyword phrase can make you a winner.

3.     Backlinks play a very significant role in SEO as websites with good number of quality backlinks are considered to be the most relevant in the search query result of search engines such as Google.  Make sure the backlinks are related with the content of your site.

4.     Every page of your site should have a title tag. A unique and keyword focused title tags are bound to get more searches.

5.     Be consistent with updating your site. Fresh and useful contents added regularly on the site helps improve the ranking and values more in the eyes of the search engines.

6.     Your keyword phrase should be used for the links to your site and within your site. For example:  if your target is “SEO Tips” then link to “SEO Tips” instead of a “Click here” link.

7.     It is important to focus on a search phrase instead of just a single keyword to result in more searches.

8.     Designing your website with consideration of SEO is very important and useful. Creating a flashy website with Flash and images only won’t help at all when it comes to SEO due to the fact that spiders can crawl text but not Flash and images. This does not mean you cannot use any images or videos.

9.     Keywords and keyword phrases should be used properly in text links, image ALT attributes and also in your domain name.

10. Cannibalization issues-www and non-www domains: Make sure to decide which would you like to use and 301 (permanent) redirect the other to it. In other words, if you prefer to use then should redirect to it.

11. Sometimes we have index.html attached to our link. In other words, you may have as your internal link. If this is the case, than make sure you abandon index.html or whatever the internal link is appended to and the page always links back to your domain,

12. Frames, Flash and AJAX all share a common problem; they are linked to either all pages or none. In order to get the best SEO result, do not use Frames at all, use Flash and AJAX sparingly.

13. As far as SEO is concerned, it doesn’t matter what URL file extension you use (.html, .htm, .asp, .php, etc).

14. Submitting a new website through Google’s regular submission form can take weeks, instead getting a link to your site through another quality site will be the quickest way of getting your new site spidered.

15. If the content on your site does not change often, then it’s better to have a blog on the site due to the fact that search spiders like fresh text/content. It is advisable to blog at least three times a week with new, fresh content to feed those little crawlers.

16. Link building is a very important task when it comes to SEO. Strong belief in Quality over Quantity will put you on the top of the world. One single, decent, authoritative link can give you much better recognition than dozens of bad quality links, which can even result negatively.

17. Search engines are in love with natural language content. Loading the page/text with keywords might not even get any searches. Search engines look for how many times a keyword/ term are used in your site content and if it is abnormally high, then it will count against you. In other words, keywords in your content should be used wisely.

18. In addition to your link that uses keyword anchor text, the words around the links should also be related to your keywords.  In other words, the link should be surrounded by the descriptive text.

19. Are you on a shared server? Make sure you do a blacklist so that you don’t end up on a proxy with a spammer or banned site because their ill reputation can affect your rankings badly.

20. Make sure that you are not using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain, due to the fact that search engines such as Google might see your site as a potential spammer.

21. When optimizing your blog posts, optimize your post title tag separately from your blog title.

22. The bottom line in SEO is Text, Links, Popularity and Reputation.

23. An easy to use site will easily influence your link building ability and popularity; as a result you will get thumbs up to your ranking.

24. It’s a Give and Take relationship when building the link network. When you link out, it encourages others to link to you.

25. Search engines are attracted towards unique and quality content. Make sure your site includes both.

26. If the main page of your site is flashy, meaning is using all Flash or has one big image then make sure to place text and navigation links below the fold.

27. Some of your most important links might not appear in websites, but they can be in form of e-mail communications such as newsletter and ezines.

28. Search engines give preference to the links from .edu domain. Look sites that are looking for sponsors.

29. Link baiting is a great way to increase your link popularity. It creates more links to your site, which helps you in the search engines. Also, these links come to you, you don’t have to get on your knees and beg for them. In addition, it creates more links to your site, which sends potential customers your way.

30. Instead of optimizing the page for numerous keywords at once, give each page a focus on a single keyword phrase.

31. SEO is not a one-day task. The search landscape changes on daily basis, so be active on your optimization daily.

32. Try to provide your images, videos, podcasts, etc to the most powerful bloggers and authority sites who might link to you.

33. Use descriptive, keyword rich text in your title and description when optimizing the text in your RSS feed.

34. Just like photos in the newspaper, use captions with your images on your site. Utilize keywords when placing captions with your images.

35. Images are ranked based on the texts that are surrounded. Make sure there is a special attention given to those texts by placing keywords text, headings, etc.

36. Let your site be founded naturally by the crawler. Use a good global navigation and linking, instead of relying on XML Sitemap.

37. If you do not want to see Google’s Personalized Search results than first of all, log out of Google and then append “&pws=0” to the end of your search URL in the search bar.

38. Links from high PageRank provides a golden opportunity. Backlinks of such links weigh a lot more than from any other sites as high PR indicates higher trust.

39. Your on-site link navigation will be less prone to problems and if someone tries to scrape your content, you’ll get backlinks out of it, if your links are absolute.

40. Social marketing is also very big part of SEO. The more you understand social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg,, etc. the better you will be able to compete. (A Complete Guide to Facebook Marketing can be found here:

41. Create a video sitemap and list it in your Google Webmaster Central account to get the best searches for your videos by the crawlers.

42. Make sure to submit your videos to other quality video sites such as AOL, MSN, Metacafe, Yahoo, etc. as the video searches that result in Google blended search does not necessarily come from YouTube; other video marketing sites are also marketed via search engines.

43. Just like images, videos should also be surrounded by the text with keywords, due to the fact that the search engines look for text/content that defines the video.

44. Along with the keywords, do use the words “image” or “picture” in your photo ALT description. Many searches are for such words.

45. In order to make your SEO more successful, it is important to enable “Enhanced image search” in your Google Webmaster Central account since images have become a big part of the new blended search results.

46. Viral components such as reviews, sharing functions, ratings, visitor comments, etc should also be added to your website or blog. This will attract more traffic.

47. Make sure to include video, podcasts, news, social content, etc to your site as SEO is not just about linking anymore.

48. It is always wise to check the cache date of the page where your link will be located in Google, when you consider to purchase or exchange the link. The newer the cache date the better, as the cache date more than a month old is not worth.

49. If there are pages in your site that are very similar and would like to make sure only the correct one is considered in the search engines than place the URL of your preferred page in your sitemaps.

50. Check your server headers to make sure your URLs report a “200 OK” status or “301 Moved permanently” for redirects. If the status shows anything else, then make sure your URLs are set up properly and used consistently throughout your site. You can find free online tools to check server headers.


So apply these techniques for your sites or blogs and get searched in search engines :)

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Harprit Singh


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55