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17 Feb 30 miles to 30K. A numbers game.

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This is going to be a very good and very important lesson I have ever taught. Its my story. Its called a numbers game. It means you play with numbers. I will explain below what it mean.

Few years ago when I started MLM, I joined one of the biggest and oldest MLM company. I can’t name it for legality purposes. I also can not name it because I want to protect the identity of my upline. Probably you can guess now the name of the company. I was so excited to join the company that I was dreaming all night that tomorrow when I wake up I am going to wake up as Millionaire. That’s what they told me that some magic will happen and we all will be millionaire. But when I woke up, I wasn’t a millionaire. I wasn’t disappointed though. I thought ok, if not last night then tonight I am going to be a millionaire for sure. How naïve I was. I woke up next morning and I was not a millionaire. I went to my upline and asked them that where is the magic? They always used to tell me “magic will happen.” But nothing happened. I was thinking that some magic will happen overnight and I am going to be rich.
My upline told me that the key to be rich and successful is to show the plan. I made the list of all my friends and relatives from my cell phone. I called them, set a time and showed the plan. No one joined.

I was not disappointed.

My upline told me to do a home meeting. So I called 15 people. Statistics was out of 15 people, 8 people said no. They can not come to the home meeting. Rest of the 7 said they will come. I called my upline and told them that I have confirmed 7 people for home meeting. They encouraged me and said “awesomeeeeee.” BUT they were not telling me the truth that it’s a numbers game. The more plan I show the more results I get.

On the day of the home meeting guess how many people showed up, 3 out of 7. 4 did not show up. Out of 4, 1 said he has some appointment and another one said his grand mother was sick. Now I was left with 2 people who did not show up. I thought lets give another chance and call them ask them where are they. Guess what? They didn’t pick up the phone. That’s when I got mad. I hate when people don’t pick up their phone. If they are busy its fine, but you know when they see your number on the screen and the phone is ringing and they cut off the phone. That’s what I hate. Can anyone relate to it?

Anyway, 3 people showed up. These were my friends whom I haven’t seen in 3 years. My upline came and showed the plan. After the plan finished we gave them some material to study and tried to book a follow up. But they didn’t gave any appointment. Instead they drank the coffee and left. At the door they said “It was nice seeing you after 3 years.” I got a little disturbed again. I thought they came to see the business plan but in actual they came to pay me a visit after 3 years.

Never mind! I was not disappointed. BUT this time I started realizing that I have to show the plan to more people. I started attending seminars, conferences and home meetings to get more knowledge. I started showing plan to more and more people. I used to have atleast 2 or 3 appointments after work from 6:30 to 9pm. Then after 9:30 I used to go out to 24 hr malls to do prospecting. You know what I mean by prospecting. J For those who don’t know Prospecting = Go to shops like Rite Aid, CVS, Walmart, Home Depot, Shop & Stop etc and look for people who are shopping there. You pick up something next to them and start the conversation. In the conversation you build the repo and get their number. Then you go home and call them after 3 or 4 days and approach them for you mlm business. You ask them “ Are you open to business opportunities” Don’t call them right away otherwise they will think you are desperate.

I hope you have a feel now what I went through. Sometime I bump into same person and start the conversation again not knowing that he already knows my name. Shop owners, managers and employees started knowing me by now and used to pass a smile when I used to enter. But they were always disturbed with the fact that I come here everyday but never buy anything. I come empty hands and leave empty hands, then what the heck do I come in for. Anyway, who cares. So, slowly and slowly I got good at it and I started getting numbers.

More numbers = more calls = more plans = more money.

You see how it goes. I followed the concept. I expanded my prospecting area. I expanded it to 30 miles now because people in my neighborhood, locality started knowing my face. So I started getting more numbers of people from different towns. I started showing more plans. But one thing that always disturbed me that why the conversion rate was very very less. Means showing plan and people getting in the business was very less. The RATIO was 30 people I show the plan to, 5 people will get in. Out of 5, 1 will quit after 1st month., 1 will after 2nd month and 2 will not do anything at all and just fade away slowly and slowly unless you motivate them every other weeks. Over the time some would stop picking up my phone calls. (You know I hate it.)

I though to myself something is wrong. I have already expanded my prospecting area to 30 miles but why the CONVERSION RATIO is so less. 1 out of 30 is just not going to work. I thought I can expand my prospecting area but how much one can expand? I thought lets google it and find out. I found out that people are prospecting on the internet. They are prospecting from one corner of the world to the other corner of the world. I got so excited that now I can get more numbers and can show plan to more people. I got excited that I will be rich again. I went next morning to my upline and told them that I want to do prospecting on the internet. I was so shocked by the answer that my MLM company does not permit using internet.

What? You must be kidding me. In this 21st century I cant use the internet to promote something. I cant promote my own business when my MLM company calls it that I am an Independent Owner of my Business. BUT the rules are rules. You can not break them or you are thrown out of your membership and you loose all your hard work. You little income comes to 0. (It doesn’t make much difference anyway, I was earning burger king money anway)
So, I slowed down on my prospecting and started searching online. I thought to myself that if my conversion ratio in traditional mlm world is 30 plans to 5 sign ins to 1 producing member in 30 miles, how would be my conversion ratio if I can show 300 plans on the internet around the globe?

I was so excited and I quickly started my business on the internet. I set up the whole system. Then I found out that in this internet marketing business I do not have to even do a follow up. The automated system does the follow up itself. It also closes the sales itself. All I have to do is to make a webpage with my plan and put it out in front of as many as people I can. Isn’t it simple. In traditional world I had to do so much work, run arounds, embarrassment from shop owners managers employees, expand prospecting area, give out study material etc. but in internet marketing I dont have to do all this. All I have to do is just make a webpage and plug that webpage to the system. The system gets the name and email of the people who look at my webpage. Then the system sends them follow up emails. If someone is interested, the system does the sale or I call the person and close the sale. In traditional world I had to run after people but here I am sitting home and people come to join me. Since, only interested prospects come to me my conversion rate is higher with quality prospects only. My conversion rate was eg. If I get 30 leads, out of 30 atleast 10 would join, 5 would stay because they are serious. I did not run after them to join me, they came to me. In traditional system it was only 1 person who would stay after so much of hard work and humiliation. In traditional system I was limited to 30 miles only but in this system I have no limitation. Do you see the difference now!!
But in real the conversion rate is even more if you just pick up the phone and call your prospect. When someone calls me I also pick up the phone. I mean, I don’t like when people don’t pick up the phone and it holds true for me too. I always help people. I know what I went through and can feel other people’s pain. They look for someone who can guide them and show them the path.

Within few time, I started earning money, sitting at home. I started my journey with 30 miles and ended up with 30K in no time. I sometimes wonder why my old MLM Company hesitates from the internet? I figured out that my MLM company just gave me the membership to sell their lotions and potions and soaps and energy drinks. If they didn’t like me or I do anything wrong or use the internet to promote they would cancel my membership. But in this internet marketing, this is my own business. I own it, I can promote it any way I want to either on the internet or off the internet. I can sell it to someone with 100% resell rights. In this business the biggest advantage is that I can work from home.

My upline gave me a dream – “dream big” and its because of that dream my philosophy of

More numbers = more calls = more plans = more money

Changed to

More leads = more money.

And my journey from 30 miles finally ended at home with 30K +

Harprit Singh is an Online Business Entrepreneur. He has helped many struggling and frustrated MLM’ers in Starting their Own Real Internet Marketing Business From Home. If you would like to Start Home Business with Harprit Singh too so just fill out the form at  It’s that simple!

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Harprit Singh


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55