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02 Sep The Republicans Can't Have it Both Ways

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How does a mother who is a staunch supporter of abstinence explain how her own teenage daughter managed to get pregnant?  No, we can't call it an immaculate conception.  The plain and simple fact is the 17-year-old was having sex---and unprotected sex at that.  Now, she's pregnant.  According to reports, Bristol Palin is  about five months pregnant, which means she was probably having sex as early as 16.

According to her mother, Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, her daughter plans to keep the baby and marry the baby's father---who has been identified as 18-year-old Levi Johnson.  Mom says her daughter made the decisions on her own. 

It is disturbing to see that this "soccer mom"-- who can apparently juggle many different things---would expose her daughter to this kind of scrutiny.  Is being the vice presidential nominee worth the possible cost in the long run?

The Republican Party is publicly rallying around the Palin family---calling the pregnancy a personal matter and a part of the "life issues" we as families face.  They are doing their best to place the blame on Obama and his staff for leaking the information.  Obama, meanwhile, has stated on the record that he believes the issue is a private matter.

The Republicans can't have it both ways.  On one hand, they preach moral values and frown upon young women who fall into that motherhood cycle every day.  But now one of their own has shown them that even moms who preach abstinence can't seem to get her message through to her own children.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55