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13 Jul Bernie Mac's so-called Joke about Menopause

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I'm trying to understand what the hoopla is over a so-called joke comedian Bernie Mac made about menopause during a fundraiser last week for democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Many of the media headlines read: The star of "The Bernie Mac Show" joked about menopause, sexual infidelity and promiscuity, and used occasional crude language.

His exact comment was: “I can’t take it. My house is so doggone cold all the time.”

Now let's get real. What man in America doesn't have something to say about his wife in menopause? It's either too cold in the house, or she's acting like a B**** or if he chooses to ignore it, it might mean he has another chick on the side.

Furthermore, sexual infidelity and promiscuity are REAL ISSUES. Ask Lynne Spears mother whose 16-year-old daughter Jamie Lynn recently had a baby out of wedlock. Or what about CBS News Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Lara Logan, who cheated on her husband WITH TWO MARRIED men while on assignment in the Middle East.

Granted, Bernie Mac is NOT one of my favorite comedians. He is crass and vulgar at times. Obama's people should've known that in advance and asked him to tone it down or not had him perform at all.

Once again, the media is grasping at straws to make a mountain out of a mohill.

My mother used to say "the pot can't call the kettle black if they're on the same stove!"

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55