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19 May Keys to a Successful Marriage at Midlife #2

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One of the topics I address during my seminars is on communication.  As a veteran journalist, I know how important it is to convey your message to your audience.  You must do it in such a way that they will understand you and appreciate what you have to say.  I also know it is equally important to listen to the message being conveyed in order to make sure I report the story accurately.

The same rules apply in a marriage.  You have to be an effective communicator AND a good listener.  Yelling all the time to get your point across will, more than likely, fall on deaf ears.  Also, poor communication skills can lead to a breakdown in your marriage.  

In Part II of my keys to a successful marriage, here is my Tip Number Two:

Learn How to Listen:  There are always two points of view in a discussion or argument.  While you may be adamant about sticking to your point of view, you owe your mate the courtesy and respect to hear him/her out and appreciate their feelings.  And, by all means, PAY ATTENTION.  Eye contact is very important in making your partner feel like you really are tuned in. 

Next Time:  Communicate in the Bedroom

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55