Significant! From Frustrated to Franne-tastic

But, it's not just the numbers. Latinos demand political and social issues no longer be framed solely in black and white. That presents another challenge to black America. At times that challenge has been intensified and conflicted by the wildly divergent agendas of African-Americans and Latinos on immigration, political empowerment, bilingual education, and jobs. These are complex and engaging issues.
Now that I'm in the peri-menopausal stage and dealing with vaginal dryness (yes--it's one of the symptoms), I can't help but reflect back on the various stages of my sex life. You know, the times when it was so thrilling--you just couldn't get enough! These days my gynecologist is telling me over time I may lose my desire all together.
Oh Lord! I hope that doesn't happen to me because I'd hate to think I'd wasted the best years of my sex life on my ex!