Hi everybody,
I had a bout with the Zlob (Z-luv) virus Tuesday after down loading a video from a site. My computer- running windows- started acting crazy, telling me that, I had to buy software or hire a tech to fix it. Win32. Email worm something was infecting my computer, according to the frequent popups on computer screen. I needed to rush to the nearest software, pay downloads site, to fix it. Anytime your dumb computer gets that smart, it is time to ask questions. Like how does a computer know all that information and the website I need to go too to solve my problem? Believe me computers don’t, but human programmer are very clever and they can make a pile of plastic, metal and silicon seem like it is thinking. lol
Should you run into this same virus please do not panic and spend what ever they-the popups want you to pay- to fix the problem, because you may already have on your computer programs that can fix it. I know your saying just like me, that you lost total control of the computer. A hacker took control from you and defeated everything you did to try and make the machine behave; accept two things, the reset button on both the modem and the computer the hacker did not take them away. If that is all you have left to fight back with then give them HELL. lol When the browser runs off at ninety miles and hour- trying to transfer your private files, click the modem off like I did and sit down and laugh. lol To get a semblance of order and control back, just click the reset button and hold down the F8 Key, then select the ‘safe mode’, and now you are the boss again or at least until someone you trust can look at it.
Remember this virus is very clever and if your firewall is out of commission, then your files are being exploited, while you sit there trying to figure out what is wrong. So stay in the safe mode, and off the Internet until you can recover fully protected again.
Well me, I am the type person to say let’s ‘get-it-on’, where are my antivirus programs, adware(at least two)-and my firewall. If your definitions are up to date then you stand a real good chance of getting back control of your computer and returning to full-blown windows to download free programs that cure what is left. Or send me a message for help via my page; I will give you the inside track for sure.
Best Wishes.
Dwight Hayes