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12 Mar Grant Monies & The Main Street Program

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               A well put together Business plan is a must, and mastering
the skills of developing one can net an eager entrepreneur the needed funding
to go forth. Startup capital, grow your business capital and readily available
working capital is a must in order to conduct a successful and thriving

    The National Trust for Historic Preservation awarded 4 million dollars in 2010 to over 240 qualifying organizations. The essence of this trust is to preserve old historical buildings and landmarks. One major movement happening right now is the Main Street programs. Main Street Programs across America are qualifying for grant funding to preserve the down town districts of America.

In the down town districts we will find buildings; some
standing for 100 years or better and those buildings qualify for funding. There
are millions of dollars set aside for this very cause.

 The Main Street movement aims to secure funds to renovate, revitalize and restore spending activity in the down town area; this objective is made a reality with funding designed to preserve the historical buildings found in the down town district. Hence, this effort rewards the historical building owner and the promising entrepreneur that seeks to operate a business from the historical building and/or land mark district area.

While the funding is a true grant, it is not awarded to an individual but rather the Main Street authorities  of which  has written an award winning grant  submission.  The Main Street organization will then set forth criteria by which individuals must meet in order to qualify for those monies. 

While the funds are coded grant for the city, the city can elect to turn the grant funding into a revolving loan to individual recipients; meaning individual recipients will be a required to pay back   the monies; however, the payback amount will be less and predicated on the success of your business along with a very low APR and monthly installments. Many cities elect to implement this plan in order to
keep readily available funding on hand for future new businesses.

In short if one desires to operate a traditional brick & mortar business; consider operating it in the downtown district where funding is available simply because it is located in the downtown area. Contacting your Main Street coordinator and asking for information will allow you to discover what is available in your area  While having a well-developed business plan will assist you in being ready to obtain what is available in your area.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55