The person who has decided upon doing business from home has a special set of distractions that if not handled properly may cause unnecessary problems. One of the best ways to mitigate these unwanted distractions in to operate the business on principles based on what is best for all concerned. These Principles or rules should be comfortable and decided upon only after careful study.
What follows are some points that I believe need to be considered during your deliberations toward establishing company policy. Even though working from one's own home, there must be a plan in place for how the business will be run as it will not run itself. While these are not in specific order, all should be considered important:
- Be Bold- Recognize that the decision you made is for the betterment of those thing s that you control and have responsibility for. Take ownership.
- Stand Tall- Indeed, stand up to the challenge. You will be able to see more and nobody can stand on you when you are upright.
- Model for Other to See- the types of behaviors that will be acceptable when you do business with others and what you expect in return.
- Know that- you carry yourself in a manner that you will not be denied. Professional
- Let Nobody- Say to you that you cannot go, enter, come or belong, too old, young, short, fat, ugly, pretty or clumsy. Behold, they are the BOO Birds. Avoid them and their idle talk.
- Never ever- Trivialize your company or your personal objectives. You set them, they are yours. Take ownership.
- Always conduct your daily life- So that your knowledge is increased daily. Be guided by your learning.
- People will look at You- before they buy what you offer. That is Okay. Make sure they see the right picture and hear the right message.
- Prospects want to see- Your glow and your beam about what you are doing, don't disappoint them. If you don't have it, reevaluate where you are and why.
- Suppress your Fear and Anger- It is difficult at best to camouflage biases you may have and your prospect probably doesn't care or share. Money is green, go for it. If you want to proselytize, do the reevaluation mentioned above.
My list is by no means conclusive and you are certainly welcome to add any others you feel led to add. My point is; don't for a minute, think you are going to declare that you are doing business from home and the rest is a cakewalk. Not going to happen. You must employ discipline and principles, or you will fail for sure.
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Olson C. Rogers
Home Business Advocate
202 N. Main St., SW
M'Ville, GA 31061
Tel: 478.288.0083
Chat Skype: OlsonRogers MSN: Olson Rogers