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23 Mar How to make a living blogging

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One of the most promising avenues to make money is the internet, which is being widely used by millions of people all over the world. There is no better way to earn money than to make money blogging online. If you want to make money online, there is virtually no shortage of ideas. Entrepreneurs and gurus vouch for the fact that the internet is one of the best arenas to make a lot of money.  A lot of time is spent by people on the internet, so why not use that time to achieve your own monetary gains!

Write a lot on commercial subjects: One word that that can describe fascination for the internet is called blogging. A web log is called a blog that is very much similar to a diary. There could be no better definition for a blog than that of a diary. There are many types of blogs, for example personal blogs, sports blogs, food blogs, political blogs, etc. However, the question that arises is whether bloggers are able to make any money from these blogs after selecting a niche.

Choosing commercial subjects: If as a blogger you are able to write a lot on different commercial subjects you can make money blogging online. Depending on the choice of subject matter for the blogs, you can make money accordingly. Your potential for making money on subjects like stock market can be more in comparison to a subject like politics or sports.

Ads and banner write-ups: Readers can be recommended with products from commercial blogs. Commercial blogs help in attracting a lot of readers with topics of their interest. This can be achieved by developing Google ads, writing for guest posts, selling links related to the product being written about, selling banner ads and also simply extending expertise in the way of advice.

Selling blog space: You can even sell to the advertisers advertising space from a blog, which is another opportunity for you to make money blogging online. Whether the advertisers make sales or not, they will keep giving you the advertisements for displaying on the blog. All you have to make sure is that your traffic is in some way converted into sales to evade discontinuation of advertisers after some time. You can bring in a lot of money if you have popular blogs that sell direct advertising and impact affiliate marketing. At minimal level of traffic has to be maintained if you have to sell direct advertising on the blog.

Recommend products: Blogs can be basically about any subject under the sun. Some bloggers do make a lot of money – five figures! As a blogger you can also earn money by recommending products. Limited amount are sometimes available from advertisers. If a blogger takes extra efforts to pitch the products to the readers then there is no limit to the income that can be earned.

Effective use of tech-developed tools: When it comes to the task of making money blogging online the blogger has to have at his disposal several tools. With the company that is selling a particular product a blogger can maintain an affiliate relationship which can be most appropriate for its readers. Google adsense is a contextual program extensively advertised in a way that bloggers are able to make a lot of money. Blog posts can be read and along with this advertisements which most appropriate to the content are also displayed. Many people have been successful in making significant income from Google adsense.

The Real Deal Neal owns HUNTSVILLE PR, a Huntsville Web design and web development company helping people do business online

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55