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13 Aug Saving For Your New Home

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 <b>Saving for your new home! Start today and Invest tomorrow!</b>

There are many ways that you can save up for that new home you plan to purchase. The important thing is that you have a sound plan and follow through with action! You can own your own home in no time if you stay committed! Here are a few things that you can do to help you budget and plan for the home of your dreams!

First you must define your money-saving goals. By having a written plan, you'll know what you are shooting for. Some questions to ask yourself are: How much money do you want to save, and over what period of time? How much do you think you'll need to put toward a house someday? It would be a good idea to set up a "housing fund" for yourself. This can be a separate savings account at the bank where you currently have an account. This is where you'll put a little extra money each month, to prepare for the home-buying expenses we talked about earlier. Also, you may even consider setting up an auto-transfer with the bank, so a pre-determined amount goes into your housing fund each payday. Most banks offer a service like this, and some employers will allow you to split your paycheck into two accounts.

The next thing is to create a budget for yourself. For some people, this can be a challenge but you have to do this in order to reach your goal of home ownership. You need to find out how much money you are spending each month, and where that money is going. There are two reasons for this. You need to know how much you can put aside each month, and you also want to spot any wasteful spending habits. This is really the hard part but if you stick to it, the reward of becoming a homeowner is so much greater!
Subtract all of your monthly expenses from your net monthly income (after taxes). The amount you have left over is what you can put toward your house fund each month. If it's a very small amount, then you need to find a way to cut down on your monthly expenses -- as a way of channeling more money into your house fund.

How often do you eat out? This is one of the first things you should address when saving money for anything. Dining out can be expensive, especially when you do it several times a week. If you can cut back in this area by eating in more often, you'll have a lot more money to put toward your house fund each month.

Last but not least.....

Only buy necessities! This seems like a simple money-saving tip, but you'd be surprised at just how powerful it is. Whenever you're about to make a purchase, ask yourself this question: "Do I really need this?" More often than not, the answer will be no. And the more you refrain from making unnecessary purchases, the more money you can put toward your future house.

To get professional advice and more information call Vision Investment Corporation at 877-799-0820! Feel Free to visit the website at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<i>Annetta Powell</i>
<b>Queen of Real Estate</b>


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55