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21 May Buy! Don't Rent!

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Buy! Don't Rent!

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life. There are many factors that come into play when deciding to buy your first home. Some questions that may pop into your head are "Can I afford a house?", "How much house can I afford?", "What are the advantages and disadvantages?".  Every one has thought about home ownership at some point and time or another. To rent or not to rent is usually the question.

By owning a home, you will find yourself in control of your immediate surroundings. You can change things and decorate. You do not have to seek someone else's approval if you decide to remodel or alter the landscaping. As the saying goes, "Your home is your castle". In owning your home, with each mortgage payment, you are "buying" something tangible, building up equity. The longer you own your own home, the larger your equity.

There are many financial and personal reasons why you should own your own home rather than rent. The obvious reasons include pride of ownership, building your own equity instead of someone else's, no more landlords, and of course the tax benefits you reap. There are a multitude of other reasons why owning your own home can make your life better.

When considering buying your own home, you need to answer some pertinent questions:           

  • How much can I afford to pay in terms of monthly mortgage?
  • Will paying utilities such as gas, phone and electric fit within my budget?
  • How much will closing costs be, considering fees, points paid, etc?
  • Do I have enough money for a down payment, and other expenses, such as new furniture?

If you determine that you can safely handle these extra expenses, then you're almost there. Careful planning and crunching numbers should give you an idea of whether or not you can afford to own your own home.

Owning a home is a big decision for anyone. Once you are into your dream home, you have to plan on staying for a certain number of years to realize any profit from selling.  Do not buy a home that will end up hating.  Do your homework and make the right decision for you and your family!

If you are ready to make the first move in becoming a home owner and would like to speak with someone who has a proven track record of success, call Vision Investment Corporation Today! Let us handle all of your real estate needs. Call 1.877.799.0820 or go to now to schedule a free appointment with a Vision Investment Corporation representative.



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55