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07 Apr 'Where There's No Vision, Your Business Perishes'

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Yes the subject line is drawn from a scriptural reference and the principle is so relevant today I thought I would touch on it.


I heard my Minister one day go into the Hebrew meaning of the passage ‘Where there's no Vision, the People Perish".


And he mentioned how the literal meaning of that phrase means, "When there's an inability to see out of Darkness, the people become Distracted".


We are living in a dark period right now and if we can't develop the ability or the vision to see out of the darkness many of our businesses will not have focus and become ruined and perishable.


When your business doesn't have vision it is very difficult to determine if the decisions you're making is taking you toward your goals or if they are taking you in the wrong direction.


You have to have clearly defined goals. You should have in your mind what you want your business to look like in a couple of years.


Once you are clear on what you want for your business, you begin to work backwards to figure out what you need to do to make your business run smoothly.


It sounds simple, but it is not always practiced. That's why from time to time we need someone to come around and shine some light until we develop the ability to see out of the darkness.


Well, this Thursday on a FREE tele-conference Les Brown will be sharing some light to help you navigate in these challenging and changing times.


I highly recommend the call.


Les Brown and George Fraser on the same conference call, you're guaranteed to get a nugget or two to help improve your life.


And it's all FREE!!!


I don't think I need to tell you that the call will probably fill up fast; you can reserve your space by registering here:


See you on the call.


To Your Victory and Success,

Bro. Bedford 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55