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26 Feb Crisis Deepens-Unemployment Grows-Black Entrepreneurs Must Be Bold!

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Back when I was a young child we used to love going to haunted houses. Mainly, because of the adrenaline rush you got from a good scare. But today there are things a lot spookier going on than that strange-looking person in the Freddie Kruger costume.


Today, many Americans are scared to death. Not because of any fake ghouls and goblins, but because of the tremendous impact the economy is having on their current livelihood.


For those filled with the entrepreneurial-spirit... those who aren't scared stiff by the "impending doom" being reported on the news... this time of apparent uncertainty offers an unprecedented opportunity to build or grow a solid business fast with minimal downside.


In times of recession and depression it is important to remember that wealth transfers from the meek to the bold.


The question becomes...


Are you ready to join the ranks of the bold?


Are you ready to join the ranks of entrepreneurs who are not scared?


Are you ready to join the ranks of the entrepreneurs who are taking names and making money?


Here is a key point I really want you to get:


If you don't have a successful reference to model yourself after in business and life... do the opposite of what the masses are doing.


How does that apply to you and your business?


Well, as corporate America is forced to pinch their pennies, and hand out pink-slips left and right, you should be preparing to ‘ROCK & ROLL!"


Seriously, you have a choice... you can either grasp and cling for security like most people are doing or you can be on the lookout for the opportunities all around you.


But, the challenge is... you can't do both at the same time.


While those that are "nervous" and "scared" are burrowing down, savvy entrepreneurs are advancing on their goals faster than ever.


Currently, the unemployment rate is close to 8% and it's getting worse... For the meek things seem bleak indeed. But, for the bold, this is an unprecedented opportunity to seize the moment.


To Your Victory and Success,

Bro. Bedford

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55