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20 Nov Stop Them Dead in Their Tracks!

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My name is Lou Riley. As a professional network marketer, I'm confronted with offers all the time. People around the world have tried to get me to join their opportunity or just take a peek to see if it's for me. They offer to send me bank statements along with other visual proof of the money they've earned. (a well misused form on manipulation in my opinion) I've had several down right say, "I want you to be in my downline!" It actually puts a smile on my face to know that they see someone in me who they want in their business. I'm not opposed to doing business, but it takes more than a cool presentation and a few checks to get my attention at this stage of my 11th year in mult-level marketing.

I was just thinking today that some of you are bombared with people in other opportunities who promise to go to the ends of the earth to help you explode your business. How do you handle these offers? Do you dive right in, or do you try to impress them with your business? How do you reverse roles with them? How do you make them stop? One of my mentors, Val Smyth, offered a solution that I'd like to share with you. He simply said, ask them these three questions:

1. What do you really know about your product?

2. How would you define network marketing?

3. What can I learn from you?

If you're wondering what answers to these questions you should be looking for........let me direct you to my "classroom" where some of the top "professors" in network marketing are available 24-hrs a day/ 7 days a week.. It's where I have learned to become a better network marketer, a better professional and most importantly, a better human being. It's also where you can become one too....regardless of your business.

Click Here: <a href="" target="_blank"**> The Prosperity Cast Network</a >

Dreams Mean Work!

Lou Riley

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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