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12 May Does Al Sharpton speak for you?

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Does Al Sharpton speak for you?

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This weeks question is a simple one. Does Al Sharpton speak for you? I thought of this because I keep hearing Al called "our" leader although in my opinion Al as a leader is a purely media creation because it makes the media's job easier when booking shows or when they need that divisive sound bite. But hey what do you think?   .
No, I think that Al Sharpton as a black leaded is a media creation.
Yes, he brings issues that might otherwise be ignored to the masses
No, but I do agree with him on issues such as police brutality.
No, Al is a racist just out to keep everyone divided.
Al is only trying to advance his only career and does not really care about African Americans.

I don't care about Al and wish the media would talk more to the average black person.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55