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31 Jan The Amazing Benefits of Honey for Your Hair!

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  So let's talk about this sweet, sticky substance for a moment!  When most people think of honey, they think of it as something to add to tea, on toast, or as an ingredient in a favorite dish, but when I think of honey, the first thing that comes to mind is goodness for my hair and skin! Why you ask, because I've done some research and I've found that honey has some amazing benefits, and after using it, my hair, scalp and skin has thanked me repeatedly!  

Honey has been used for alternative uses for centuries; it contains nutrients like iron, calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin C, B and magnesium. It also has anti septic and anti-microbial properties which speed up the healing process. Research has indicated that honey can help to prevent hair loss by strengthening hair follicles and prevent fungal infections, psoriasis and eczema of the scalp. Honey is also an excellent remedy for dandruff and an itchy scalp! Due to the many characteristics of honey, hair is actually nourished and enriched.  It is food for the scalp

Honey fights infections even below the top layer of the skin/scalp by unclogging pores and cleaning the impurities lodged in this layer. The active properties of honey penetrate the blocked follicle and kill the bacteria which cause acne as well as build-up, which may lead to excessive shedding or thinning hair. It supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin layers.

After realizing the amazing benefits of honey, I decided to pack my SHAMPOO/BODY WASH  and CONDITIONER  with this liquid gold, and many Sweet Nature customers has reaped some serious benefits! I've gotten countless, no more dandruff testimonials and testimonials saying, "My eczema and psoriasis cleared right up"! Oh, and I can't forget the amazing testimonials from those that had minimized their shedding and who's hair changed from dry and brittle to soft and hydrated! 

 If you want to reap some of these amazing benefits and do so at a discounted price...Use code "TryMe" at check out to receive 15% off your order! 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55