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27 Sep Our Troops - Encourage Them & Their Families: Review

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Sharing suggestions from a book I reviewed in August, 2007. 

Be a source of strength and encouragement for military families as these committed soliders, both active duty and reserve, protect our freedoms and defend.

Several ways churches can help military families feel appreciated:

Post prayer reminders in church bulletins listing parishioners or their family members still in action, and hold a special service to honor them.

Ask families and Sunday School class to adopt military members. Check on their loved ones. Pray for and write them.

Take donations for care packages (The Department of Defense recommends using Operation USA Care Package, Include items such as church bulletins, prepaid long-distance cards (available at (Camouflage pocket-sized New Testaments and devotionals are available from Campus Crusade for Christ's Military Ministry,

Start support groups for spouses of deployed members.

Ellie Kay -- If Bob knows that when he returns from his mission he will have a loving family waiting for him, he is better equipped to perform at the height of his capabilities.

Matthew 25:34-36,40

Jesus also explained that good works alone will not ensure someone a place in heaven. We can't board a chartered "Works Plane" to get us to heaven.

A reserved solider is part of the country's armed forces, subject to call in an emergency.

Our nation called upon its army of volunteers when in 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.

Rick Warren -- Great opportunities to serve never last long. They pass quickly, sometimes never to return again. You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment.

Tips shared from "What's in the Bible for Women" by Georgia Curtis Ling & Larry Richards, Ph D.

(Georgia is an author & well-liked speaker. She has been teaching & helping women find answers through the Bible. She graduated from Kentucky Christian University with a major in Bible in 1979).

(Dr. Larry Richards -- General Editor, was converted while in the Navy in the 1950's. He has written several Sunday School curriculum for every age group. He has published more than 200 books & his books have been translated into 26 languages).

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55